Rush here and there and finally I sent sms saying I'll be free in another 10 minutes time and on my way to meet Ah Liaw at Expert in BDC. Yeah!!! The same old Liaw..Why am I so close to these two ex-colleagues of mine?? Maybe we went in my current company now at the same time. Adrian and I came in on 10 June 2002 and Ah Liaw on the next day.
Adrian and I sat with each other and Ah Liaw, just right in front of me. The moment I saw Adrian, hmm..ok, he's fine, not arrogant and smiling..but the moment I saw Ah Liaw..aiyoo, this guy is a bit harder to handle ler..hardly see him smile..very cool..and scary...Who knows..Ah Liaw is actually a very nice guy like Adrian..hahaha..in 2002 we took a photograph together during the official opening ceremony of Twintech and yesterday after 5 years being separated, there's another photo of us together again!
Any difference??
Wa lao...
Mr. Ah Liaw's weight:
Yr 2002: X kg; Yr 2007: X kg!!!! (X = X)
Ms Png's weight:
Yr 2002: 5X kg; Yr 2007: 6Xkg!!!!!!
Mr. Adrian's weight:
Yr 2002: 6X kg; Yr 2007: 7X kg!!!!!!
-_-|||...Have to "Face Wall Think Wrong"...what went wrong?.....hmmm...
It's a blessing, Adrian!
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